We ensure international transport of the highest quality. We guarantee fast and safe transport of goods and constantly monitor the progress of orders so that our services meet the expectations of our clients. When ordering transport, you can be sure that the goods will arrive to their destination safely and on time.
International transport of goods
M&W Spedition specializes in carriage of goods from Germany to Poland and from Poland to Germany. This area constitutes 85% of our activities. Additional directions of export and import are the EU states such as: Belgium, the Netherlands (remaining 10-15% of international carriages).
We carry out:
General cargo transport starting from one pallet
Part-load transport with freight consolidation
Full-load transport up to 24 tons
Owing to years of experience in freight forwarding we have become a valued and reliable player in the TSL industry. Our staff has great knowledge of the specific requirements and legal regulations applicable in Poland, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands, where we send your goods. We are aware that organizing transport means a constant battle against time; hence, the greatest emphasis is placed on satisfying the needs of our clients and relieving them of transport organization.
Area of activity of the M&W Spedition
The scope of international truck transport covers the following directions: