If you decided to employ a freight forwarder you probably count on them to be professional and easily perform assigned tasks. Nevertheless, you will be much more comfortable if you pay attention to a few details that will significantly improve the whole process. Here is a short guidebook enlisting elements you should take notice of when establishing cooperation with a new forwarder.
Specify the size and weight of the freight
The first thing you should remember to do is inform a freight forwarder of the size and weight of the freight you are planning to ship. This information is very important not only for the company that organizes the delivery but also for you. For the size and weight of the package determine the cost of the service. Make sure the numbers you provide are as accurate as possible so that the forwarder can ensure suitable transport. If the data you give are too vague, it may turn out that transport of your goods is delayed because an initially provided vehicle was too small and it was necessary to bring another one, thus generating easily avoidable costs. On the other hand, if a vehicle turns out to be too large do not be surprised if your forwarder requests additional payment for an empty run. Therefore, before entering into a detailed contract, get familiar with the forwarder’s fleet and determine which vehicle will best suit your needs. Preferably communicate your doubts to the company, which, knowing the size of the cargo, will choose the best vehicle.
Read the documents received
Once you choose the right forwarder remember to carefully check its license and insurance policy. These two basic documents should be provided to you by each company. They will tell you whether the forwarder is duly permitted to transport goods in the country or abroad. Make sure to verify if the forwarder uses the services of a dependable and reliable transport company or whether it employs a random carrier found at a freight exchange. If the latter applies, you need to ensure that the insurance policy contains a provision extending insurance coverage to the actual carrier, or else, if something happens to the freight, you might not be compensated for the damage sustained.
Thoroughly check all data
Pay particular attention to the waybill, the so called CMR document. Once properly completed, a waybill serves as a confirmation of the performance of the order in line with previously made arrangements as it contains such information as the point of unloading or number of transported goods. The CMR document can be completed at the point of loading or by the driver, however it is important to thoroughly check all entered data because in case the CMR document is completed incorrectly it may turn out that the driver was handed over wrong goods or the freight is incomplete or in the wrong place and you will have to explain all this to your client. If you followed these three short instructions and a whole delivery was trouble free it means that the freight forwarder is reliable and recommendable. So, if you are planning next shipments, maybe you should consider long-term cooperation?